Monday, January 7, 2008

Sorry I am a lazier typist than Christian

It is really funny- we haven't read each other's thoughts on the trip, and I just checked out what he wrote- it is surprising how often we are thinking the same thing. Like Cathay Pacific rocking, for example. (Mais en francais) I suppose you deserve more info about Bangkok. Let's see... Thais don't appear to ever hurry. Most of the men drink on the job in this neighborhood as far as I can tell. The people with their kiosks on the street sleep in front of it at night. Christian and I have recently had insomnia and went for a night-long walk and have found a woman (an excellent cook) who apparently never sleeps. When she found out Christian was a cook she shoved a spoonful of roasted fish into his unsuspecting mouth. He enjoyed it except for the fish bone that got caught momentarily in his throat. She's a real character- we have eaten at her kiosk almost daily since we got here.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I want to see a picture of the fish woman, this story actually made me laugh out loud!

Eve Love said...

oui oui oui. more pictures!

Ben said...

Hey kids, looks like your are already having a blast over there! Can't wait to read more about your crazy adventures ( and the nutty songs that will come out of them i'm sure ;-)

Your are missed in winterland.


Banjo Ben

Vivian said...


We missed having a going party with you (well me and Matt - maybe you did have one) but I love the blog idea!! I want to blog too when we go to Mexico for 3 weeks but Matt looked at me funny when I told him I wanted to check out internet cafes. He wants me to unplug completely... My god what am I going to do??!???!?

I'm so happy about this blog and will read it whenever I can!!

guy-lys said...

salut!!!!!!!!!!! je ne sais pas si ca va marcher,enfin on est tres content de vous savoir arrivé, ca l'air pas pire bon trip on vous embrasse fort/fort
XXX gilles et danielle