Friday, March 14, 2008

Hong Kong (airport) (still)

Last night was wild. But I have no time so will explain later. Contacted our friend Joe in New York city, so we will be staying with him when we arrive tomorrow. Yay! There is free 15 minute internet to be found at the Hong Kong airport, alors voila, j'ecrit un petit note. I miss Thailand already. I miss you too. Short and sweet. Will write more later.

OK.... this is later....I am currently editing this blog as.. well, I'll just come out and say it-we missed our flight! We were all settled in near a little jazz bar in the airport and somehow missed our plane! We didn't realize there was an hour's difference from Bangkok to Hong Kong, so we showed up and surprise! We felt to regretful and stupid and scared about how many thousands of dollars extra it would cost us-It was a total nightmare. For a moment. But then.... the little woman who worked for Cathay Pacific told us to follow her and well, after calling the right people, she got us on a flight to NYC tomorrow (actually today as it is now the dawn of the 15th!!) The ladies were so awesome- we didn't even have to pay anything extra- and we originally bought the restricted economy tickets!!? Anyways, no complaints- we will make more of an effort of hovering beside the proper gate this time! Unfortunately we couldn't leave the airport unless we wanted to pay hundreds of dollars to spend a night in Hong Kong, so we opted to stay in this mammoth airport mall complex. Looks a bit like the mother ship in Star Trek-actually a very sterile but beautiful architectural aestehtic. There are these lounges in the airport that you can pay to sleep and shower in, but they cost like $100 us dollars each, so we decided to sleep on the reclining chairs and benches in the airport- and well, I'd finally fallen asleep when this couple recently struck up a loud friendly conversation and I started thinking very nasty thoughts and decided to vacate my chair. You know when you are tired and then passive aggressive and then full out bitchy- that's me about 15 minutes ago. So here I am confessing our mistake to you at 5 am, Hong Kong time. When in Rome and sleep deprived, write a ranting blog- makes you feel better.


Anonymous said...

Vous êtes donc ben vedges!
J'ai hâte de vous revoir espèces de perdus!

Anonymous said...

on espere que tout va pour le mieux.donnez-nous de vos nouvelles un coup arrive a new-york merci

Anonymous said...

J'ai oublier de mettre notre nom donner nous de vos nouvelles merci,gilles et danielle merci